Kirsty: (604) 818-5713   |   Clinic: (604) 368-8799

Homeopathy with Kirsty Myles

Founder Principles How Remedies
Are Made
Uses What to Expect:
During and After


Hippocrates is considered the most influential figure in the history of medicine, because he was the first person to think that disease is the result of natural forces, not divine influences. He was the first to suggest that a person’s own healing ability was vital in choosing the right cure for an ailment.

The founder of Homoeopathy, Samuel Christian Hahnemann was born Dresden, Germany in 1755. After qualifying as a doctor in 1779 he set up in practice, supplementing his income by writing articles and books on medicine and chemistry. In these writings he protested against the harsh medical practices of the time.

Hahnemann became increasingly disillusioned with conventional medical practice in the firm belief that the methods he was taught would do more harm than good; he gave up as a doctor in 1783. Endeavoring to find a healing approach that was safe, gentle and effective, rather than suppressing symptoms the body should be stimulated to heal itself.

After years of research, in 1796, Hahnemann’s first work on this new medical system was published in Hufeland’s Journal; entitled 'Essay on a New Principle for Ascertaining the Curative Powers of Drugs and Some Examination of Previous Principles'. 1796 has been officially recognized as the year homoeopathy was born.

In this article he stated:

“One should imitate Nature which at times heals the chronic illness by another additional one. One should apply in the disease to be healed, particularly if it is chronic, that remedy which is able to stimulate another artificially produced disease as similar as possible and the former will be healed”

He called this “homoeopathy” from the Greek homeo, meaning “similar”, and pathos, meaning “suffering”.

In 1810 he set out his principles of homoeopathy, health and disease in The Organon of Rationale Medicine. The Organon went through six more editions; the final edition was completed in 1842, the year before Hahnemann died; it is still probably one of the most important works in medicine today.

Dr Frederick Harvey Foster Quin introduced homoeopathy into Great Britain in the late 1820’s and in 1849 founded the London Homoeopathic Hospital.

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Hahnemann developed the principle that a substance which will create the symptoms of disease in a healthy person will actually heal that disease in a sick person. Hahnemann called this principle

"Similia, similibur curentur” or “let like be cured by like”

For example, onions have the ability to make our eyes and nose stream; these symptoms can be seen in Hay fever. Therefore Allium Cepa (which is made from red onion) could help with such symptoms.

Hahnemann had difficulty understanding how remedies worked, the higher the dilution level, or potency the better its effectiveness. He concluded that there must be some kind of subtle energy within the body that responded to the minute stimulations of the remedies and enabled the body to heal itself.

Hahnemann called this energy the body’s “vital force”, responsible for the healthy running of the body, coordinating its defenses against disease. If this energy is disturbed by stress, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, hereditary problems, or environmental changes, illness results.

Hahnemann saw the symptoms of illness as an outward manifestation of the “vital force’s” attempt to redress imbalance and restore order.

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How Remedies Are Made

Homoeopathic remedies are made from plant, animal, and mineral extracts and diluted in varying degrees in order to avoid unpleasant side effects. In actual fact, the more dilute the remedies are, the more effectively they work.

By experimentation, Hahnemann found that successive dilutions of a substance became medicinally active, and less toxic. He developed the system of homoeopathic dilution, where one part of the starting material is diluted with 99 parts of diluent (usually alcohol and water). This mixture is then “succussed” or “potentised” which is a rhythmical shaking of the liquid which helps to release the energy within the substance. The dilution is called a 1c homoeopathic potency. The process of dilution can be repeated with the 1c potency to make a 2c potency, and so on until the desired potency is reached.

People are often surprised that animals are used in homoeopathy to make remedies. Generally speaking, however, it is only the milk or poison of the animal that is used. The exceptions are four or five insects and a scorpion and even then one scorpion will satisfy the needs of homoeopaths for generations because of the way remedies are prepared.

All potentised remedies produce symptoms of one sort or another. These are not just physical but also mental and emotional.

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Homoeopathic treatment is suitable for anyone; it is invaluable in treating children, the elderly, pregnant women and weak and fragile patients.

Homoeopathy uses a holistic approach when working with people, rather than treating individual symptoms. Therefore physical, mental and emotionally symptoms are taken into consideration when a prescription is given. This means a remedy is given based on all aspects of their ‘condition’. It has proven safe and effective in treating a range of health problems, physical, mental and emotional

Allowing homoeopathy to be useful in treating all aspects of ill health;

The administration of remedies in small doses means that Homoeopathic treatment is non-toxic and non- addictive. Homoeopathic remedies contain no additives, colourings or preservatives. Furthermore homoeopathy can be used safely and effectively alongside conventional medicine.

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What to Expect: During and After

The first consultation lasts between 1- 2 hours; which allows you time to describe your symptoms and be asked about your physical, mental and emotional health. Bearing in mind that illness always has mental, emotional and physical components, therefore any treatment to be fully effective must take all these into account.

In addition to discussing the symptoms of your illness, you will be asked about lifestyle, food preferences, fears and responses to general factors, such as the weather and times of the day. These may seem strange questions to be asked, however the more detailed the picture, the more information to base a holistic prescription upon; ensuring remedies act as efficiently as possible to heal on a deep level.

After learning about yourself and your symptoms, a particular remedy will be selected and sent out to you within 7 working days of the consultation to allow sufficient time for me to thoroughly work on your case and analyse the symptoms. It is best not to take more than one remedy at a time, so as to not complicate the assessment of results; therefore I often prescribe a single remedy at a time. Although it may be appropriate in recurrent, chronic illnesses to prescribe an acute remedy (to address physical symptoms) followed by a constitutional remedy (to address the totality of symptoms physical, emotional and mental)

It is best when taking a remedy, to allow it to dissolve under your tongue, fifteen minutes before or after eating anything. When treating small children, it may be appropriate to crush the remedy between two tea-spoons and administer the powder; or add the powder to water or milk. Many homoeopaths advise avoiding coffee, peppermint and other strong flavours whilst taking remedies; I believe this to be true in regards the fifteen minutes before or after the remedy. However disagree after this time-scale; if it is the right prescription it is going to work regardless of what you are consuming. It is true that certain remedies are particularly sensitive to certain aromas, and when appropriate I would advise my patients to avoid these substances.

The duration of treatment depends upon several factors including how long you have had the symptoms, your general level of health, current levels of stress and the severity of the symptoms experienced. For example someone who lost their husband twenty years ago and developed arthritis since the bereavement is going to need longer to regain equilibrium in their “vital force”; than someone who experienced a car accident in the last year.

Remedy reactions may be slow but they do not have to be, they also may or may not be dramatic. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to predict the action of a remedy because everyone is different. Some people feel change immediately after taking the remedy; the majority can wait up to two weeks before there are any noticeable signs of change. Often the last symptoms to appear are the first to go.

This may seem an odd statement, but patients are often not the best judge of their change in symptoms. It is only through questioning that they realise that symptoms have gone!

It is possible that your symptoms worsen before they get better; this is known as a ‘aggravation’. However this should not be seen as negative, this means a correct remedy has been prescribed; and is a sign of the body trying to rebalance and a physical aggravation is often accompanied by a mental or emotional sense of well-being. However should an aggravation go on longer than seven days your homoeopath should be contacted.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is a method of self healing assisted by small doses of natural substances; such as plants and minerals. It has proven safe and effective in treating a range of health problems, physical, mental and emotional.

Homoeopathy works by strengthening the body’s immune system making us less susceptible to the influence of illnesses. The administration of remedies in small doses means that Homoeopathic treatment is non-toxic.

Can it be used in conjunction with pharmaceutical medication?

Homoeopathy can be used safely and effectively alongside conventional medicine. I am happy to work with your G.P; homoeopathy does not work in opposition to conventional medicine and I would hope that your G.P could work in partnership with me to support you and create a truly complementary service for the benefit of your health.

I will never under any circumstances give advice on prescription medication; this aspect of your treatment is between you and your G.P

What can it treat?

Homoeopathic treatment is suitable for anyone; it is invaluable in treating children, the elderly, pregnant women and weak and fragile patients.

Homoeopathy can be used to treat a range of health problems; physical, mental and emotional.

Is it safe for everyone?

Homoeopathic treatment is suitable for anyone; it is invaluable in treating children, the elderly, pregnant women and weak and fragile patients.

The only contraindication would be for people with lactose intolerance; because the remedies are lactose based. However remedies can be made in other forms so this does not mean homoeopathy is unavailable to them.

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